Bagpipe Society Logo
Promoting the Bagpipe Revival since 1986

The Bagpipe Society

Summary of the AGM

Ian Clabburn - Chairman

We enjoy our AGMs. We keep them short and nobody gets to eat the evening meal until we have finished, which no doubt concentrates some minds! As always there’s a mixture of the usual procedures followed and sometimes interrupted by lively debate. The full minutes are available on the website or by email if requested, so here is a brief account of the major points.

Money - This year we have supported two major piping events and also bought three additional sets of mouth blown student pipes. Despite this, we still have a very healthy bank balance and - yet again – I make this appeal: if you have any ideas on how we might spend more of it on anything that furthers the aims of our Society, then please get in touch! Funding requests could be as mundane as paying for the hire of a room for a local gathering or some local advertising. You do not need to be planning a major event. Anything can be considered. All you need to do is ask.

Chanter - Chanter goes from strength to strength, almost entirely due to Jane, whose persistence in extracting articles from the reluctant and then marshalling them into a journal of such consistently high quality is nothing short of remarkable. The Society’s flagship publication is in good hands, as is amply evident in the recent series of themed “Special Editions” and our probable move into full colour. Thank you very much.

Student pipes - We now own 15 sets of pipes: 9 Scottish smallpipes and 6 student border pipes, all of which are available for use by members. I proposed that we sell the smallpipes because they were not being used. This was unanimously rejected, but it was agreed that we need to be more proactive in getting them out and played. As a start, a small group has been set up to coordinate the use of the pipes and provide appropriate teachers at festivals. Initially we are looking at running more “try the pipes” sessions, but there is scope for running longer tuition courses in the future. This is very much in its early stages and you will receive updates and requests for suggestions by email in the coming months. In the meantime, write to if you have a pipe friendly festival/event in mind.

Website and Data Protection - We are aware of the risks arising from the holding of data online and potential threats from malicious attack. We are continuing to work to keep this secure and you can read our current procedures here It is subject to continuous review, so please get in touch should you wish to add to or query anything.

Volunteers - Is there anyone who would be interested in learning how to organise the Blowout or run our membership/accounts? Although neither George or I are considering giving these up in the short term, it would be good if our acquired expertise could be more widely shared. I am thinking of some kind of “shadowing” to begin with. Write to if this appeals.

Officers - Thanks to all the committee who have worked hard on behalf of the Society. I am pleased that they have all agreed to continue.

Meeting closed at 6.00 and we all had a nice meal!